Population Situation Analysis in Georgia
30 September 2014

Some Background on the Georgian PSA The present Population Situation Analysis (PSA) was carried out by the Country Office of UNFPA in Georgia, at the request of the Government Planning & Innovations Unit of the Administration of the Government of Georgia between late July and early November of 2014.

Does Suburbanization Cause Obesity?
28 April 2014

On 22 April 2014, ISET hosted Dr. Maryam Naghsh Nejad, from the Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, who presented her paper “Does Suburbanization cause obesity?”.

Regional Disparities in Georgia
28 June 2013

The purpose of this report is to take stock of the existing regionally disaggregated data and to identify disparities between the regions of Georgia. Few similar studies exist, with the major exceptions being the Diagnostic Report by the Task Force for Regional Development in Georgia (2009) and the Georgia Urbanization Review by the World Bank (2013).

Regional Disparities in Georgia
21 March 2013

While there are differences between regions, most of the systematic regional disparities can be explained by differences in urbanization rates across the regions; namely, relatively more urbanized regions tend to have a higher per capita gross value added, a more diverse and sophisticated economic structure, and a better developed infrastructure.

Does Georgia Need More and Larger Cities?
30 November 2012

We may recall that the Lazika city project has been proposed by the Saakashvili administration to accelerate the process of urbanization. A new city was suggested as a means of absorbing surplus rural population and thus paving the way for land consolidation and greater productivity in agriculture.
