War in Ukraine: challenges, risks, and responses of Georgian economy
07 April 2022

ISET Policy Institute will be hosting an event War in Ukraine: Challenges, Risks, and Responses of Georgian Economy, to be held on April 13 from 10:00-12:30, that will bring together the policy community, experts, and private sector leaders, and development partners.

Is climate change a serious threat that affects you?
28 March 2022

Today is 24 March, and it’s been snowing heavily in Tsavkisi for the past few days. My yard and street are covered by about a full meter of snow. Cars are stuck on the snow-covered streets and our small community is physically cut off from the rest of the world. Locals can’t remember such a snowstorm, especially in March.

Lead ISET Economist to Edit Prestigious Economics Journal
21 June 2021

Under ISET affiliation Luc Leruth, the Lead Economist in the Policy Institute’s Governance and Social Policy Research Center, has recently been appointed a co-editor of The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal Economics. As a new form of the academic journal, the publication incorporates a large research community with an open and innovative peer review process; where critically the research is seen as a cooperative enterprise between authors, editors, referees, and readers.

ISET Policy Institute recognized globally
15 February 2021

ISET has again affirmed its position among think tanks on the world stage by having the ISET Policy Institute listed once more on the Global Go To Think Tank Index. It is a proud moment for the ISET community since ISET Policy Institute is ranked in the 2020 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think-Tanks globally and 2020 Best Independent Think-Tanks globally.

ISET community members returning to teach the next generations – entirely pro bono
08 December 2020

The strength of the ISET community is best demonstrated by the solid bonds that exist within the community. The number of ISET community members are returning to help the institute by passing on their skills, knowledge, and experience to the next generations continues to grow.
