Risks of Russian business ownership in Georgia
11 December 2023

This policy brief addresses risks tied to Russian business ownership in Georgia. The concentration of this ownership in critical sectors such as electricity and communications makes Georgia vulnerable to risks of political influence, corruption, economic manipulation, espionage, sabotage, and sanctions evasion. To minimize these risks, it is recommended to establish a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening mechanism for Russia-originating investments, acknowledge the risks in national security documents, and implement a critical infrastructure reform.

RIA institutionalization reform assessment - II
11 December 2023

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a process of evidence-based policymaking, which helps in designing better regulations. This process creates evidence for political decision-makers on the advantages and disadvantages of proposed policies by assessing their potential impacts. The results are summarized and presented in the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) report.

ReforMeter hosted a second public-private dialogue on e-commerce reform
07 December 2023

On December 7, ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted a second public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in E-commerce reform. The reform aims to improve the legal and regulatory framework of the field of electronic commerce in terms of the protection of consumer rights, and activities of intermediary service providers, provides personal data protection and payment system and payment service directions.

ReforMeter hosted opening public-private dialogue on small and medium enterprise developmental reform
17 November 2023

ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue –this time dedicated to assessing reform progress in small and medium enterprise development.

SME digitalization: 2023 snapshot
06 November 2023

In recent years digitalization has continued to reshape global contexts, impacting all aspects of life and business. The pandemic accelerated digital adoption, making it a critical factor for business resilience.
