June 17, 2019 | Increased wheat production, worldwide
17 June 2019

The cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in May 2019 averaged 3.24 GEL, which is approximately 2.4% higher compared to May 2018 (year-on-year), and 6.4% lower compared to the previous month (April 2019).

June 3, 2019 | Kutaisi – the cheapest place to buy khachapuri?!
03 June 2019

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.24GEL in May 2019. The price dropped by 6.4% month-on-month (compared to April 2019); however year-on-year prices have increased by 2.4% (compared to May 2018).

May 20, 2019 | How much can you save?
20 May 2019

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in April 2019 varied across Georgian cities, from 3.21 GEL (the price in Kutaisi) to 3.57 GEL (in Telavi). The overall average price was 3.47 GEL, which is 1.3% lower compared to the previous month (March 2019), and 5.5% higher compared to the same month of last year (April 2018). The change in yearly terms was driven by increases in three of the core ingredients: cheese prices went up by 9.5%, followed by flour (7.6%), and butter (1.7%).

May 2019 GDP Forecast | Georgian economy exhibits relatively strong growth at the start of the year. Inflation remains low, while short-term consumer credit declines following tougher lending
13 May 2019

Geostat has released its GDP growth estimate for the first quarter of 2019. The Q1 growth stands at 4.7%, which is only 0.4 percentage points above the recent ISET-PI forecast. ISET-PI’s forecast of real GDP growth for the second quarter of 2019 stands at 4.7% - up from 4.6% in April.

May 6, 2019 | The easter effect on the khachapuri index
06 May 2019

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in April 2019 was 3.47 GEL, and the Index lost 1.3% compared to the previous month (March 2019). Such a decrease was in line with an expected seasonal declining trend, which is largely driven by a springtime adjustment to the price of milk and milk products.
