What If You and Your Neighbor Could Share a Micro Power Plant to Produce Your Own Electricity (and Help the Country in the Process)?
29 October 2018

Have you ever thought about how Tbilisi would look if the existing old Soviet Union-era multi-story buildings were renovated and equipped with rooftop solar panels? There are several good reasons why this might be happening in the future, and why the government of Georgia might want to encourage this development.

Second workshop on RIA on Windbreaks
29 October 2018

On October 26-27, the APRC attended the second workshop on mainstreaming Agenda 2030 requirements in the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Windbreaks Draft Law, organized by REC Caucasus with support from international donors.

Research Assistant
29 October 2018

ISET Policy Institute is seeking a research assistant, preferably an MA student in the last year of his/her studies or a recent graduate.

October 2018 GDP Forecast | Georgia’s growth pojections still optimistic, but the downside risks Are significant
29 October 2018

Growth projections for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018 were revised downward by less than 0.1 percentage points. They now stand at 7.2% and 6.4% respectively. Recently, Geostat published its preliminary estimate of real GDP growth for August, which now stands at 2%. As a result, the real GDP growth estimate for the first eight months of 2018 was reduced to 4.8%.

October 2018 | Agri Review
29 October 2018

Back in 2015 Georgian sheep market got into the spotlight due to the increased demand for sheep from Arabic countries. Prior to 2015, Azerbaijan was the most important export destination for live sheep, while in 2015, in addition to Azerbaijan, Georgian sheep was exported to United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.
