Trade and Sustainability Impact Assessment in support of negotiations on DFCTA between the EU and Georgia
09 January 2012

ISET-PI played a relatively minor role in this project, supporting a consortium consisting of Ecorys (Netherlands) and CASE (Poland). The study was commissioned by the European Commission (DG Trade). The Georgian component of the study identified considerable compliance costs related to the EU-required phyto and veterinary controls, reflected in higher prices for meat and meat products, and an increase in EU meat exports to Georgia. These findings were reported to the Georgian Prime Minister’s office and to the consortium members.

The Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Countries
07 November 2011

Implemented as part of a larger international study, this Georgia country study assessed the consequences of increased migration as a result of possible changes in the EU migration policies with regard to the Eastern Partnership countries. Partnering with the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), the ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) has embarked upon a country study of Georgia for a project titled The Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries.

Informality in the Georgian Labor Market
04 July 2011

Understanding the Puzzle of Informal Employment in Georgia.Implemented in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), this research project seeks to analyze the links between informal and formal labor markets in Georgia, providing an opportunity to assess the impact of changes in labor legislation introduced as part of the effort to approximate Georgia's legal and regulatory environment to that of the EU
