Inclusive and Sustainable Development of The Mountainous Regions: Myth or Reality?
03 December 2019

Mountains cover 54% of Georgia’s territory. People living in those areas represent the most vulnerable group of Georgian society. Land erosion and climate change are prevalent in the mountains; unsustainable use of natural resources (forests in particular) and limited access to infrastructure pose significant risks to the lives of people there.

Training on macroeconomic forecasting and economic monitoring for policy purposes in Georgia
04 November 2019

The ISET-PI team provided training in macroeconomic forecasting and tools for independent policy research to the staff of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT) of Tajikistan.

Rapid assessment for community-based mountain tourism development in the south caucasus
04 November 2019

SCO looks for the opportunity to enhance the viability and competitiveness of sustainable mountain tourism development in the South Caucasus countries.

Social exclusion desk and portfolio review
01 November 2019

The project is aimed at providing a useful basis for the development of the new Cooperation Programme on how to best address the inclusion of vulnerable social groups. The study will help in the formation of decisions over any needed program adjustments and target groups in order to achieve better outcomes of the future Cooperation Program.

Sweden supports the ISET Policy Institute as independent economics think-tank
30 October 2019

ISET Policy Institute receives 12 600 000 SEK from Sweden for promoting Georgia’s development through independent policy analysis, training, and civil society engagement. The agreement was signed today by Mr. Erik Illes, Head of Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden, and President of Partnership for Economics Education and Research (PEER), Director of ISET Policy Institute Dr. Tamar Sulukhia.
