APRC conducted a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on insurance reform in Georgia and provided recommendations on policy options for developing a sustainable agricultural insurance market in the country.
As of 2012, there were 37000 families in Georgia qualified as environmental migrants (eco-migrants) and in need of resettlement. Despite the scale of the problem, there is no proper legal and institutional setup in Georgia aimed at securing basic human rights of eco-migrants and reducing the adverse consequences caused by environmental factors.
ISET Policy Institute uses innovating approach to provide an analytical foundation to assess the indirect economic benefits of continued donor investment in the EWH corridor. ISET Policy Institute was contracted by the World Bank to assess the indirect economic benefits of the East-West Highway.
In order to assess the effectiveness of the Agricultural Card Program, APRC conducted focus group discussions with farmers and individual interviews with input suppliers and machinery service providers from different regions of Georgia were conducted in order to assess the impact.
Assessment of economic benefits of the road, water and sewage infrastructure rehabilitation performed in several Georgian cities in the framework of the World Bank Regional and Municipal Infrastructure Development Project (RMIDP + AF).