Net-Metering: A Realistic Green Solution to the Generation-Consumption Deficit?
29 March 2019

In February 2019, Georgian power plants generated 939 million kWh of electricity, which compared to the previous year represents a 0.5% increase in total generation. On the demand side, consumption amounted to 1,037 mln. kWh, a 2% decrease on an annual basis. Although the negative gap between generation and consumption decreased by 22% (from -126 to -98 mln. kWh), compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, it remained substantial.

March 2019 | Electricity Market Review
29 March 2019

In March 2019, Georgian power plants generated 974 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 2.2% decrease in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2018, total generation in March was 997 mln. kWh.) The decrease in generation on a yearly basis comes from the decrease in hydro power generation (-30%), more than offsetting the increase in thermal and wind power generation (+98% and +42%).

March 2019 | Agri Review
29 March 2019

According to GeoStat’s preliminary data for 2018, Georgia’s economy grew by 4.7%- the same rate as in 2017. As 2017 was a challenging year for Georgian agriculture, the sector experienced -3.8% negative growth. Unlike 2017, agriculture in 2018 had a positive and rather modest growth rate of 0.7%.

Dr. Anto Aasa of Tartu University: Use of mobile positioning data in mobility studies
27 March 2019

On Wednesday, March 27, ISET hosted Dr. Anto Aasa, a Research Fellow in Human Geography from the University of Tartu, who delivered a seminar to ISET’s BA and MA students entitled ‘Use of mobile positioning data in mobility studies’.

Higher Education Reform in Georgia: Challenges and Opportunities
27 March 2019

The Government of Georgia (GoG) is determined to foster the internationalization of the Georgian higher education system and to ensure that all Georgian citizens have access to high quality higher education, to support their individual and professional development and to improve their access to better employment opportunities.
