Business Confidence Index: looking forward
29 April 2021

For the second quarter of 2021, BCI decreased by 1.7 index points and reached 1.7 after a significant increase in the previous quarter. The highest decline in business confidence is observed in retail trade, followed by the agriculture and construction sectors. The negative change in BCI for Q2 2021 is driven by pessimistic future expectations.

Real Estate Market Highlights, #18 | Jan-Dec 2020
27 April 2021

The Tbilisi Residential Sales Price Index (SPI) showed no significant fluctuations from the beginning of 2020; varying between 113 and 114 index points (the index equals 100 in the base period, January 2019).

Support to georgian reform tracking system - ReforMeter
15 March 2021

Reform progress analysis for policy making and public dialogue through ReforMeter: the objective of the proposed activity is to increase transparency, public accountability, and efficiency of Georgia’s economic reforms’ implementation and outcomes through engaging multiple stakeholders in the efficient dialogue.

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on tourism local fee
09 March 2021

This in-depth study seeks to quantify the costs and benefits associated with introducing a local tourism fee to support public services and touristic infrastructure in Georgian municipalities. Locally generated and retained fee revenues are one of the best methods for boosting local economies and maintaining tourist infrastructure. A tourism local tax and/or fee is an internationally accepted practice and is paid by non-residents when staying in local tourist accommodations and when receiving specialized services.

Development of Indirect Impact Assessment Methodology and Multipliers
05 February 2021

This report highlights the derivation of sector-specific output (revenue), employment, and investment multipliers based on the Input-Output framework for the Georgian economy, which portrays the potential spillover effects of an increase in final demand for the products of a given sector on the whole economy.
