June 17, 2019 | Increased wheat production, worldwide
17 June 2019

The cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in May 2019 averaged 3.24 GEL, which is approximately 2.4% higher compared to May 2018 (year-on-year), and 6.4% lower compared to the previous month (April 2019).

The Dire State of Business Support Organizations in Georgia
14 June 2019

In technological terms, there has never been a better time to be a small or medium size business owner: people can always get ahold of you and you can work wherever you need to. Creating an additional source of income catches people’s interests all over the world; as additional motivation, we often hear about the launch of yet another program directly helping these businesses, thus making it easier to become a start-upper. And here, the rhetorical question: “why not?!” pops into some people’s minds.

May 2019 | CCI: It's all positive
13 June 2019

A nationally representative sample of 358 Georgians, interviewed in early May 2019, revealed that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) improved by 4.3 index points, from -20.8 in April to -16.5 in May. A similar pattern was observed in both sub-indices from May: the Present Situation Index rose by 3.8 points (from -23.3 to -19.5) and the Expectations Index by 4.8 points (from -18.4 to -13.6).

ILO representative visits ISET, discusses labor conditions, automation, & the future
12 June 2019

On June 12, ISET hosted Kinan Bahnassi of the International Labor Organization, one of several UN-affiliated bodies active in Georgia. Mr. Bahnassi treated the audience of students, staff, and faculty to an interesting, perceptive, and rather a creative presentation.

International Conference on Gender Economics: Removing obstacles to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment
12 June 2019

The FREE Network – the Forum for Research On Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies – and the International School of Economics at TSU (ISET) and its Policy Institute, are delighted to extend a warm invitation to participate in an international conference on gender economics entitled: "Removing Obstacles to Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment".
