November 2017 | Electricity Market Review
30 November 2017

In November 2017, Georgian power plants generated 968 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 3% decrease in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in November was 998 mln. kWh). The decline in generation on a yearly basis comes from a decline in thermal power generation.

October 2017 | CCI: Stable, but well below its 2016 level
30 November 2017

According to a nationally representative sample of 367 individuals undertaken in early October 2017, ISET’s Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) added only 0.2 points, rising from -19 in September to -18.8 points in October. A similarly miniscule change was observed in both sub-indices: the Present Situation Index improved by 0.3 (from -24.1 to -23.8), and the Expectations Index by 0.1 index points (from -13.9 to -13.8), compared to September.

Business Confidence Index: business confidence strengthens on robust sector performance
29 November 2017

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI)* has increased slightly, reaching 28.0 index points, which is a 1.2 index points gain over the previous quarter. Against weakening expectations, the fourth quarter improvement in the BCI was mostly driven by a notable increase in the Past Performance Index.

Francois Painchaud of IMF presents at ISET
27 November 2017

On November 27, ISET hosted Francois Painchaud, the Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Georgia. Mr. Painchaud presented the 2017 October Regional Economic Outlook for the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) region, covering the global and regional environment, outlook and policy actions, and policies to help maintain macroeconomic stability and how to secure higher and more inclusive growth.

Does Georgia Need Highly Educated Workers?
27 November 2017

A pleasant surprise awaited me on my first day as a student of Tbilisi State University’s Business and Economics Faculty. Thanks to my performance on the national admission exam, I was inducted into the so-called “Elite Group,” piloted by TSU in an effort to attract Georgia’s best and brightest. There were 50 of us in the group, mostly from working class families, and none felt like they belonged to any kind of “elite.”
