Does Georgia Need Highly Educated Workers?
27 November 2017

A pleasant surprise awaited me on my first day as a student of Tbilisi State University’s Business and Economics Faculty. Thanks to my performance on the national admission exam, I was inducted into the so-called “Elite Group,” piloted by TSU in an effort to attract Georgia’s best and brightest. There were 50 of us in the group, mostly from working class families, and none felt like they belonged to any kind of “elite.”

ISET students visit State Audit Office, reunite with alumnus
21 November 2017

On November 21, around 30 ISET students visited the State Audit Office for educational purposes. Two state auditors (one of whom was a graduate of ISET) gave a series of lectures to the visitors, which was initially intended to be conducted in English, but eventually done in Georgian due to the absence of international students.

Georgian State Electrosystem Has Become ISO 9001 Certificate Holder for the Second Time
21 November 2017

Based on a report prepared by international auditors, DQS GmbH issued a three-year quality management Certificate of Conformity with ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements, which focus on improving business management and system performance.

Asian Invasion: Stink Bug in Georgia
20 November 2017

Nikoloz M., 65, from the Imeretian village of Jikhaishi, invested around 15,000 GEL into his 8.5 ha hazelnut orchard in 2012, hoping that one day his initiative would turn into a profitable business. Nikoloz was on his way to success up until this year, before the stink bug, or Asian pharosana, as Georgians call it, appeared in his orchard. While Nikoloz expected to harvest 800 kg – 1000 kg of hazelnuts per ha, the stink bug infestation reduced his harvest by 30-35%, resulting in a loss of more than 1,000 GEL per ha.

Quarter 3 2017, Macro Review | Georgia’s exports on the rise, but hazelnut harvest devastation can deepen inter-regional inequalities
17 November 2017

Georgia’s real GDP growth rate in Q3 reached 4.4% year-on-year, putting the country on the path to achieving 4.7% annual growth in 2017. Export, tourism and money transfer trends were behind the strong showing in Quarter 3. Supply side pressures will keep inflation above the 4% target in 2017.
