September 2014 GDP Forecast | Alarming fall of growth rates
11 September 2014

Based on July data we made the 4th update of the Q3 forecast, and it was revised down from -7.6%, down to 3.7%. We also begin to forecast the last quarter of 2014, the forecast is not promising, it is just 1.7%.

Revising Household Needs Index in the Means Tested Formula in Georgia
29 August 2014

The aim of the project was to revise the Needs Index Coefficients determined by an expert-normative method back in 2004, we will use “previous evaluation”, “previous estimation”, “old method” and other such phrases when referring to this earlier method.

Business Confidence Index – Q3 2014
04 August 2014

Key findings The Business Confidence Index (BCI) improves and reaches 40.4 index points. The seasonal factor has been driving a positive outlook. Most firms are optimistic about the next three months. The sales price expectations are outstandingly increased for the retail trade sector.

July 2014 GDP Forecast | High growth rates are maintained
11 June 2014

The growth forecast for the 2nd quarter of 2014 has been revised upward from 7.5% to 7.7%. The growth forecast for the 3rd quarter of 2014 has been revised upward from 7.1% to 7.5%.

June 2014 GDP Forecast | Little has changed in quarterly growth patterns
11 June 2014

The growth forecast for the third quarter of 2014 has been targeted at 7.1%. Meanwhile, Geostat has released the GDP growth rate for the first quarter of 2014 and its preliminary estimates for April. These are 7.4% and 2.7% respectively. The April growth rate seems to be very low in relation to our forecast, but this low growth figure is most likely due to the relatively high GDP increase in April last year.
