ISET's Professor Pignatti published by prestigious policymaking platform
26 November 2020

Christopher Hitchens, one of the greatest public intellectuals of the last four decades, famously said 'The only way for any country to get out of poverty is the empowerment of women'. Everyone at ISET would no doubt agree with him – Professor Norberto Pignatti in particular, whose latest publication examines how increasing women's participation in the labor force is important for sustainable economic development in transition countries.

ISET Library becomes official depository library for Asian Development Bank
24 November 2020

Since the foundation of the ISET, it has had a strong relationship with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The ADB and ISET have further strengthened their relationship by signing a Memorandum of Agreement, specifically between the ADB and the ISET Library, under the ADB's Depository Library Program.

Tbilisi Central Park Project – Call for More Green Space in the City
09 November 2020

Given the increasing pressure on the city’s environment, action should be taken to provide a healthier and more habitable space. The development of urban parks is therefore one viable option. However, the trend over the last decade has gone in exactly the opposite direction, with green space per capita decreasing dramatically; estimations from Tbilisi City Hall data highlight that per-capita green space decreased from 5.6 to 1.3m2 between 2010-2018 (well below average European standards 10-15m2).

ISET signs exchange agreement with top French university
07 October 2020

ISET has broadened its international connections by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Clermont-Auvergne University, a leading public university in central France. The MOU will allow ISET students and faculty to visit and study in France, and – most exciting of all – includes a clause that provides for the future development of dual degrees to be granted from both universities.

ISET Contributes to Informing Voters: Election Compass Georgia
01 October 2020

Parliamentary elections are just around the corner. A well-informed and empowered citizen is central to the outcome of elections that will be in the best interest of the future development of the country. Do you consider yourself an informed voter? How are you making your decision on whom to vote for? Do you know where you stand on a political landscape?
