Business Confidence Index: signs of optimism coming from agriculture and manufacturing industries
24 February 2020

In the first quarter of 2020, BCI increased by 7.3 index points reaching 25.8. Business confidence improved across all sectors with the exception of the service industry. The largest growth was observed in agriculture, followed by the manufacturing industry. In both sectors, the increase in BCI was driven by improved past performance as well as more optimistic future expectations.

Business Confidence Index: the retail trade sector optimistic for the holiday season
16 December 2019

BCI in the fourth quarter of 2019 has increased to 18.5 index points, which is 10.2 index points above the previous quarter. The largest increase in BCI was observed in retail trade, followed by the construction industry. In these sectors, the increase in BCI is driven by both increases in past performance and in raised expectations. On the contrary, agriculture is the one industry where BCI decreased.

ISET-PI study presented at the stakeholder forum hosted by EU
20 November 2019

On November 20, the study “Mapping of Emerging and Potential Clusters in Georgia” carried out by the ISET Policy Institute in cooperation with local and international partners was presented at the stakeholder forum ‘Promoting a strong and competitive business in Georgia’ organized by the EU and the four UN agencies – UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, and IOM, under their joint effort for the strong and competitive private sector in Georgia.

ISET Director speaks at the Knowledge Corridors' panel of the Silk Road Forum
23 October 2019

The biennial Tbilisi Silk Road Forum was held from October 22-23, an event of the utmost importance for Georgia’s economic development. With over 2,000 people in attendance, the Forum gathered together policymakers, businesses, community leaders, and academics to discuss trade and connectivity, as well as examine the challenges facing countries along the New Silk Road.

Ex-post regulatory impact assesment (RIA) on the reform on levying profit tax in Georgia
09 September 2019

In 2016 reform to levy profit tax was carried out in Georgia to accelerate economic growth in the country, create a favorable environment for starting business and production, and tax administration. The reform envisaged transferring into the Estonian model of levying profit tax, resulting in levying enterprises with taxes during profit distribution.
