Business Confidence Index: fruitful summer for georgian agriculture!
10 September 2018

After three consecutive quarters of improvement, BCI in the third quarter of 2018 has worsened, dropping to 35.4 index points, which is a 4.2 index point loss over the previous quarter. The BCI drop is based on lowering expectations and worsening of past performance in many business sectors. Compared to other sectors, manufacturing assessed their past performance and expectations the most pessimistically. In contrast, the agriculture sector is the most positive, reflecting a high season in production.

ISET Faculty Members Publish in the Journal of Comparatıve Economics
05 September 2018

ISET would like to congratulate resident faculty members Norberto Pignatti and Karine Torosyan on the publication of a new article (together with Maksym Obrizan of the Kyiv School of Economics) entitled “Job market outcomes for IDPs: The case of Georgia”, in the Journal of Comparative Economics.

August 2018 | Electricity Market Review
03 September 2018

In August 2018, Georgian power plants generated 985 mln. KWh of electricity. This represents a 5% decrease in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in August was 1,034 mln. kWh). The decrease in generation on a yearly basis mainly comes from a decrease in hydropower and wind power generation (more details in the report below).

Application for Grants Financing Technology for New Markets Open in Georgia
31 August 2018

An open call for prospective enterprises developing cleantech products, systems, processes, or services has been announced. The projects should offer solutions in the area of climate change adaption or mitigation, ecosystem services, renewable energy, water, and sanitation or urban development.

July 2018 | Electricity Market Review
01 August 2018

In July 2018, Georgian power plants generated 1,268 mln. KWh of electricity. This represents a 2% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in July was 1,247 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis mainly comes from an increase in hydropower and wind power generation.
