June 2024 | Media (de)Polarization Index
01 July 2024

Following a peak in polarization in May, attributed to the adoption of the 'Law of Foreign Influence,' there was a dramatic decline in polarization throughout the first month of summer. This decrease coincided with the successful participation of the Georgian football team in Euro 2024, which fostered a sense of national unity and pride.

May 2024 | Media (de)Polarization Index
31 May 2024

Polarization intensified further with the approval of the so-called Russian Law and the ongoing demonstrations. The index's peak coincides with large demonstrations in Europe Square and the overriding of the president's veto on the Russian law.

April 2024 | Media (de)Polarization Index
30 April 2024

The Index shows that media polarization increased in April 2024 which could be driven by reintroducing the so-called "Russian Law".

Georgia’s European future: a hope for resolving political polarization
28 March 2024

Political polarization erodes trust in public institutions, it damages political process, negatively affects economic development, distracts social development and relationships in society, and it may eventually lead to the backsliding of democracy.

ISET Policy Institute hosts ‘Polarization Harms’ event; presents Media (de)Polarization index
21 March 2024

On March 21st, the ISET Policy Institute convened the 'Polarization Harms' event at Hotel Stamba, welcoming esteemed scholars and experts to delve into the repercussions of media polarization.
