ISET Policy Institute continues to mentor civil society organizations and private sector associations
21 September 2023

Under the project "Develop Advocacy Capacity of CSOs and PSAs," which is funded by the USAID Economic Governance Program, ISET Policy Institute continues its mentorship activities. The aim of this project is to enhance the capabilities of CSOs and PSAs in various areas such as policy-making, advocacy, research, and outreach so that they can actively participate in the policy decision-making process and contribute to local community development, policy design, and implementation.

ISET hosted World Bank’s Chief Economist for Europe and Central Asia
28 February 2023

On 28 February 2023, ISET hosted Ivailo Izvorski, World Bank’s Chief Economist for Europe and Central Asia, who delivered a seminar on 'Education and innovation for growth'. The seminar was well-attended by members of the academic community, researchers, and students. Izvorski discussed the important role that education and innovation play in promoting economic growth and development, as well as the opportunities and challenges of modern education systems.

ISET Policy Institute presents gender research portal and Caucasus gender index
29 November 2022

On November 29, 2022, ISET Policy Institute hosted the event Gender Equality in the South Caucasus and Beyond: New Tools for Policy Research that brought together the policy community, experts, NGOs, academia, and development partners. The activity is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Albert Park chief ADB spokesperson speaks at ISET
12 September 2022

On 12 September, ISET hosted Mr. Albert Park, Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In his address, he spoke to the ISET community of students and researchers about “Technology, Globalization, and the Changing Nature of work in Emerging Markets”.

ISET hosts panel discussions on war in Ukraine and its impact on the Georgian economy
13 April 2022

On 13 April, ISET Policy Institute hosted an event: “War in Ukraine: Challenges, Risks, and Responses of the Georgian Economy”. The meeting brought together the policy community – including think tanks, experts, public and private sector leaders, and various development partners.
