May 2024 | Media (de)Polarization Index
31 May 2024

Polarization intensified further with the approval of the so-called Russian Law and the ongoing demonstrations. The index's peak coincides with large demonstrations in Europe Square and the overriding of the president's veto on the Russian law.

ISET Policy Institute's statement
03 May 2024

ISET Policy Institute, which since 2011 has been in service of the development agenda of the country through economic policy dialogue and evidence-based economic research condemns the government’s recent actions and reintroduction of the so-called ‘Russian Law’ that jeopardizes country’s European integration and puts its cooperation with authorities on hold until the Georgian government returns into service of the country’s European aspiration.

April 2024 | Media (de)Polarization Index
30 April 2024

The Index shows that media polarization increased in April 2024 which could be driven by reintroducing the so-called "Russian Law".

Russian wheat policies and Georgia's strategic responses
23 April 2024

International wheat prices have emerged as a significant policy concern in recent years, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine, as Russia has been known for periodically halting its grain exports to impact global prices. Georgia heavily depends on wheat imports from Russia, with over 95% of its wheat historically sourced from there.

ISET Policy Institute hosts roundtable on Russia's wheat policies and Georgia's response
23 April 2024

On April 23 ISET Policy Institute hosted aan yet another roundtable discussion on "Russian Wheat Policies and Georgia's Strategic Responses".
