Europe and our future well-being
03 June 2024

The project aims to raise awareness and boost participation in the democratic process, fostering a strong and inclusive understanding of the benefits of EU integration for all age and ethnic groups in Georgia. Our goal is to communicate the tangible advantages of democracy and the EU path to Georgian youth and regional populations. Utilizing social media, we share compelling evidence highlighting the benefits of a European future for Georgia. The campaign is inclusive, with content available in Armenian and Azeri to reach minority groups.

ISET Policy Institute's statement
03 May 2024

ISET Policy Institute, which since 2011 has been in service of the development agenda of the country through economic policy dialogue and evidence-based economic research condemns the government’s recent actions and reintroduction of the so-called ‘Russian Law’ that jeopardizes country’s European integration and puts its cooperation with authorities on hold until the Georgian government returns into service of the country’s European aspiration.

ISET Policy Institute hosts international panel on economic benefits of EU candidate status for Georgia
22 December 2023

In an online international panel discussion hosted on December 22 at 2 PM, the ISET Policy Institute delved into the economic implications of Georgia being granted EU candidate status. The event, titled 'What economic benefits should Georgia expect after receiving EU candidate status?' sought to address the question that has captured broad professional and public interest since the historic decision on December 14.

Unlocking opportunities: the economic benefits of EU candidate status for Georgia
18 December 2023

As Georgia advances on its path toward European Union (EU) candidacy, the anticipated economic benefits, increased foreign investment, and alignment with European standards present a promising trajectory, worthy of further attention within the following article. The granting of European Union candidate status is a significant political signal, one which represents an initial step towards acknowledging that a candidate country is on the path towards eventual EU membership.

ISET Policy Institute presents research on Armenia and Georgia
12 December 2023

On December 12, ISET Policy Institute hosted a roundtable discussion of joint research of Armenian and Georgian economists on ‘Diverging integration paths of Armenia and Georgia: consequences for export sophistication and diversification’.
