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Date From
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Regulatory impact assessment of ILO C156 – workers with family responsibilities convention
09 March 2022

Georgia has not yet ratified the Convention, and its legislation does not contain the definition of worker with family responsibilities. However, the term is partially applied, both for employees of the private and of the public sector. Having family responsibilities is an important factor influencing the labour market outcomes of individuals of working age.

Georgia's Political Landscape
15 October 2021

The 2020 parliamentary election in Georgia was a highly contested political event not only during the pre-election campaign but also after the elections took place. Most opposition parties boycotted Parliament for a few months, and a return to parliamentary politics was only possible with mediation efforts of the European Union.

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the ICT sector in Georgia
11 October 2021

The development of the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) service sector is one of the strategic priorities for the Georgian economy. The sector is characterized by the unique potential to contribute to the country’s long-term growth, create positive productivity spillovers into other industries, and, in the longer term, transform the existing industrial structure of Georgia by moving away from primary production and primary exports.

Assessment of the Models for the Implementation of the Equal Pay Review and Reporting (EPRR) Methodology in Georgia
30 September 2021

The Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) of the Models for the Implementation of the Equal Pay Review and Reporting (EPRR) Methodology in Georgia was conducted by the ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) as part of its collaboration with UN Women within the scope of the project “Regulatory Impact Assessment and Gender Impact Assessment for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Georgia”.

Review of the Condition of the Environment and Stocks of Natural Resources In Georgia
28 September 2021

Natural resources, such as land, water, air, minerals, forests, and fisheries, all provide fundamental life support, in the form of both public-good and consumptive services, which also greatly affect the quality of human life. As such, a proper Natural Resource Management (NRM) allows for the sustainable utilization of resources and moreover ensures that the services provided continue to be accessible over time.

Developing a Water Policy Outlook for Georgia
24 September 2021

The Water Policy Outlook study aimed to compare and contrast existing policy frameworks against the long-term strategic plan and vision for the water sector by respective governments. The outlooks aimed to map the future policy challenges and policy reform opportunities required to achieve these long-term strategic objectives.
