Research Reports

- Europe Foundation
- Global Development Network - GDN
- East-West Management Institute - EWMI
- Center for Social and Economic Research - CASE
- Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia - AYPEG
- Ecorys
- Economic Prosperity Initiative - EPI
- United States Agency for International Development - USAID
- Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development Project in Georgia - G-PAC
- Asian Development Bank - ADB
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH - GIZ
- Management System International - MSI
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC
- CARE International
- World Bank
- Deloitte
- Heifer International
- United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA
- German Economic Team in Georgia - GET
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD
- Good Governance Fund - GGF
- Pricewaterhousecoopers - PwC
- USAID Governing for Growth - G4G
- United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
- TBC Bank
- Open Society Georgia Foundation - OSGF
- Market Opportunities for Livelihood Improvement in Kakheti - MOLI
- IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria
- Capacity Building to the Agricultural Cooperatives Development Agency - ENPARD
- Evoluxer S.L.
- International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD
- Millennium Challenge Account Georgia - MCA Georgia
- Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity - PROLoG
- Good Governance Initiative in Georgia - GGI
- International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD
- Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus - REC Caucasus
- Land O'Lake
- US Department of Agriculture - USDA
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD
- CAREC Institute
- UN Women
- Development Alternatives Incorporated - DAI
- USAID Economic Security Program
- National Bank of Georgia - NBG
- National Statistics Office of Georgia - Geostat
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO
- International Republican Institute - IRI
- International Labour Organization - ILO
- European Union
- Sweden

- Macroeconomic policy
- Agriculture & rural policy
- Energy & environment
- Inclusive growth
- Private sector & competitiveness
- Gender
- Governance
- Green and sustainable development
- Media & democracy
- Covid19
- Regional

Starting from 2005, Georgia saw a rapid decline in tertiary gross enrollment. In a country where poverty reduction is a key priority and where labor market outcomes have not been particularly strong during the last decade, the decline in higher education enrollment might appear as an additional obstacle to human and economic development.

Family Farming is the predominant form of agriculture. It represents the main source of income in rural areas and produces majority of agricultural products in Georgia.

Agriculture makes an important contribution to economic development in Georgia. Value added in agriculture accounted for 9.3% of Georgian GDP in 2013 and 53.4% of employment (World Bank, 2014a). Agriculture also provides an essential basis for the food, beverages and tobacco processing industries, which together accounted for just over one-third of value added in manufacturing in Georgia in 2010.

Some Background on the Georgian PSA The present Population Situation Analysis (PSA) was carried out by the Country Office of UNFPA in Georgia, at the request of the Government Planning & Innovations Unit of the Administration of the Government of Georgia between late July and early November of 2014.

The Georgian government is currently working on the draft of a new Code on Spatial Planning and Construction, with the aim of increasing the safety of new constructions while consolidating the great achievements obtained in terms of effectiveness in the delivery of construction permits.

The aim of the project was to revise the Needs Index Coefficients determined by an expert-normative method back in 2004, we will use “previous evaluation”, “previous estimation”, “old method” and other such phrases when referring to this earlier method.