
- European Commision
- Europe Foundation
- Global Development Network - GDN
- East-West Management Institute - EWMI
- Institute of Labor Economics - IZA
- Volkswagen Foundation
- Center for Social and Economic Research - CASE
- Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia - AYPEG
- Ecorys
- Economic Prosperity Initiative - EPI
- United States Agency for International Development - USAID
- Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development Project in Georgia - G-PAC
- Asian Development Bank - ADB
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH - GIZ
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC
- CARE International
- World Bank
- Deloitte
- Heifer International
- United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA
- German Economic Team in Georgia - GET
- KfW Development Bank
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD
- Good Governance Fund - GGF
- Pricewaterhousecoopers - PwC
- Caucasus Environmental NGO Network - CENN
- USAID Governing for Growth - G4G
- United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
- JSC Sarajishvili
- National Assessment and Examination Center - NAEC
- Market Intelligence Caucasus - TNS
- TBC Bank
- Open Society Georgia Foundation - OSGF
- JTI Georgia
- Market Opportunities for Livelihood Improvement in Kakheti - MOLI
- IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria
- Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
- Capacity Building to the Agricultural Cooperatives Development Agency - ENPARD
- Evoluxer S.L.
- International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD
- Procredit Bank
- French Livestock Institute
- Millennium Challenge Account Georgia - MCA Georgia
- Environmental Information and Education Centre - EIEC
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia
- Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity - PROLoG
- President’s Reserve Fund
- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
- Presidential Administration of Georgia
- ReforMeter
- Research, Education, Development Fund - RED Fund
- Good Governance Initiative in Georgia - GGI
- International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD
- Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus - REC Caucasus
- Center for Training and Consultancy - CTC
- Land O'Lake
- US Department of Agriculture - USDA
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD
- CAREC Institute
- UN Women
- Development Alternatives Incorporated - DAI
- USAID Economic Security Program
- Transparency International - TI
- Liberal Academy Tbilisi - LAT
- National Bank of Georgia - NBG
- National Statistics Office of Georgia - Geostat
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO
- Ernst & Young - EY
- Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency - GITA
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - TSU
- International Republican Institute - IRI
- International Labour Organization - ILO
- PMC Research - PMCG
- European Union
- Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia
- Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mercy Corps
- Westminster Foundation for Democracy - WFD
- Embassy of the Netherlands

- Macroeconomic policy
- Agriculture & rural policy
- Energy & environment
- Inclusive growth
- Private sector & competitiveness
- Gender
- Governance
- Green and sustainable development
- Media & democracy
- Covid19
- Regional

- Complated
- Ongoing

ISET Policy Institute team conducted research on the current situation of the land registration process in Georgia, analyzed ongoing land reform, and outlined the challenges of land market development in the country.

Assessment of the project effect on incomes generated in small farmer families involved in the livestock rearing in Kakheti region. The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct cost-benefit and/or cost-effectiveness analysis together with the project team and identify monetary and nonmonetary benefits of interventions

The main purpose of the study is to analyse the current development status of the organic hazelnut sector in the key hazelnut producing areas of Georgia (Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Vani) and understand entire core process of the value chain from production to processing, and marketing.

ISET Policy Institute aims to develop the policy alternatives to be used for implementation of economic instruments for water management based on principles of EU Water Framework Directive.

Evaluating the impact of the state support programs on the firm-level outcomes in Georgia. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the state support program of SMEs on the firm-level outcomes in Georgia. The Georgian government’s SME financing procedure offers just such a unique opportunity for a quasi-natural experiment, which allows the credible use of local/nonparametric regression discontinuity methodology (RDD).

This research aims to explain how Georgia’s economic development in the past 12-15 years took place despite the absence of rural-urban migration, defying the predictions of the Lewis Model - one of the most influential theories in development economics.