

Consumer Confidence Index
The ISET Consumer Confidence Survey follows the standard EU methodology: we randomly sample 300-350 individuals on a monthly basis and question them about the past, current, and future financial situation of their families and the country as a whole. Consumer confidence is the degree of optimism tha
t consumers feel about the overall state of the economy and their personal financial situation. How confident people feel about the stability of their incomes determines their spending activity and therefore serves as one of the key indicators for the overall shape of the economy. In essence, if consumer confidence is higher, consumers are making more purchases, boosting the economic expansion. On the other hand, if confidence is lower, consumers tend to save more than they spend, prompting the contraction of the economy. A month-to-month diminishing trend in consumer confidence suggests that in the current state of the economy most consumers have a negative outlook on their ability to find and retain good jobs.
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November 2015 | Cautious Females over 35 Bring CCI Down
03 December 2015

The November CCI data has all but reversed the uptick of confidence observed in October. The Consumer Confidence Index, which began to decline about a year ago, now seems to be stabilizing at a new and lower level. The breakdown of the index between different gender and educational groups suggests that intensive media coverage of particular issues and the diversity of information sources with different biases can significantly influence consumer confidence.

October 2015 | Consumer Confidence Rebounds on Expectations of Greater Stability
10 November 2015

October CCI data suggest that consumers are finally sensing the end of the economic turbulence through which Georgia has been ploughing the last 12 months. Driven by a strong improvement in expectations, the CCI added 4.1 points, to reach -36.2 points. While assessment of the present situation remained fairly stagnant (up 2 points), consumer expectations soared (up 6.3 points).

September 2015 | CCI: Georgian Consumers are in No Mood for Shopping
15 October 2015

In September 2015, the consumer confidence index experienced another drop of 2 points, crossing the -40 points margin to reach yet another historical minimum of -40.4 points. Responses to the question about making major purchases was the primary driver of this relatively modest decrease.

August 2015 | Respondents Over 35 Bring Consumer Confidence to a New Low
06 September 2015

After several months of incremental improvements, Consumer Confidence Index dropped 4.1 points in August 2015, to reach a new historical minimum of -38.4 points. Interestingly, this entire drop was driven by older respondents (aged over 35).

July 2015 CCI | Rise in Electricity Prices Causes Setback in Consumer Expectations
05 August 2015

After four consecutive months during which we have been observing some improvement in consumer confidence, in July 2015 the CCI dropped 4 points to -34.4 points. This setback is particularly disheartening given that in June the CCI increased by a solid 4.7 points (the present situation component of the CCI added 8.5 points – the largest increase since the CCI survey’s launch three years ago).
