
With a total of 21 611 property sales, Georgian real estate market in Q1 2017 grew by 6.1% (YoY). 194 new buildings with total area of 301.1 thousand sq.m were completed in Tbilisi during Q1 2017.

In 2016, GEO real property market grew substantially. With a total of 89 120 transactions, the market this year surpassed 2015 by 20.2%. The highest number of sales was registered in AUG-16 & DEC-16, with 8 076 and 8 099 units respectively.

During the last 10 months (January-October, 2016) 605 new buildings with total area of 1 202 828 sq.m have been supplied to the real property market. This represents 53.6% and 74.2% growth, respectively, over the same period last year.

Tbilisi real property market continues to grow steadily. Total sales grew to 3331 units in September 2016 to hit a new monthly record. Market rose also in July 2016 followed by slight decrease in August 2016.

The average Sale Price (ASP) for residential properties has fallen consistently over last 3 months, to its current level of USD 836 [GEL 1829]. ASP rose to a year-high of USD 900 [GEL 2159] in December 2015 and fell to a year-low of USD 836 [GEL 1940] in August 2015 and June 2016. Appreciation of GEL since February 2016 exerted downward pressure on prices expressed in local currency decreasing at faster rates compared to prices in USD.