Growth Diagnostics for Georgia
31 May 2012

Georgia’s growth performance since independence has gone through extremes, from an unprecedented -44.9 percent in 1992 to 12.3 percent in 2007. Although growth rates temporarily fell in the aftermath of the Russian-Georgian war and the world financial crisis they have since then recovered to 7 percent in 2011

What Georgia Can Teach the World
17 May 2012

The large economies have each, in sequence, offered "models" that once seemed attractive to others but that eventually gave way to disillusionment. Small countries may have some answers.

The "Over-Education" Trap
24 April 2012

In recent years, many countries in Europe and the former Soviet Union have seen an explosion in university enrollment. During approximately 10 years (from 1999 until 2010) higher education enrollment increased by 64% in Central and Eastern Europe, 27% in Central Asia and South Caucasus, and 19% in Western Europe and North America.

Sex Ratio at Birth: is the South Caucasus Heading the Way of China?
22 April 2012

This year, approximately 113 baby boys are born in China for every 100 baby girls; 112 boys per 100 girls in India, 111 in Vietnam. The looming social crisis stemming from the significant gender imbalance in the countries of East and Southeast Asia has been in the media spotlight for a long time.

Carrefour in Georgia
17 April 2012

I have just heard that the French retail giant Carrefour is entering Georgia. This is good news. Carrefour is the master of combining low prices with high (or at least decent) quality.
