The Warning Bells are Ringing: A Difficult Summer Season for the Georgian Electricity Market
11 October 2019

Historically, the main concern in monitoring the Georgian electricity market derives from the negative generation-consumption gap arising in the winter season. However, persistent electricity deficits over ten months between August 2018 and August 2019 suggest that the number of months characterized by a negative generation-consumption gap might be on the rise. Looking at Figure 1 below, generation can only clearly be seen to exceed consumption twice during the past 12 months, in May and June.

ISET hosts Professor of Berlin School of Economics and Law, discusses small & medium enterprises
08 October 2019

Independent entrepreneurship is one of the main drivers of economic development and often manifests itself in the form of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These start-ups trigger innovation, boost productivity, and bring about structural change.

Analysis of the agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS) in Georgia
07 October 2019

The objective of the research is to provide infrastructural view of AKIS in Georgia by describing its main actors, linkages between them and coordination mechanisms in place. The research also looks at the assets and gaps of existing system and provides recommendations for further development of the system.

October 2019 | Agri Review
07 October 2019

On 30 August 2019, a public hearing to discuss Georgia’s Rural and Agricultural Development Strategy for 2021-2027 was conducted at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA). The new strategy document represents a roadmap for Georgia’s rural and agricultural development for the next decade.

EBRD offers opportunity (and challenge!) to ISET students
04 October 2019

On October 4th, ISET students at every level and every stage of their studies were given a unique opportunity by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – to have their own research be used and cited in an EBRD report on Georgia. In addition, the students will be able to use their work as part of any thesis they will be submitting in the near future.
