ISET Policy Institute’s team starts RIA training course with USAID
26 October 2020

Starting from October 26, the ISET Policy Institute team, in cooperation with the USAID Economic Governance Program, started an online training course in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for public servants. The aim of the training is to provide participants from the selected institutions a clear understanding of the purpose of RIA, its structure and implementation, and how it works within the context of Georgian. The course will also develop and strengthen the participants’ technical skills that are necessary to conduct standard RIAs in accordance with the RIA methodology approved by the Government of Georgia in January 2020. The training is organized around specific RIA steps, included practical group activities every week, and will last for a total of seven weeks.

Sorry, You're Fired Due to COVID! Has COVID-19 Widened Gender Gap?
19 October 2020

When the Georgian unemployment statistics for Quarter 2 (April, May, June) of 2020 came out, no one was surprised to see that the national unemployment rate, which had been falling steadily over the previous quarters, and even years, suddenly increased by 0.9 percentage points relative to the same quarter of 2019 (more precisely from 11.4% in Q2 2019 to 12.3% in Q2 2020). Perhaps we were more surprised by the fact that the unemployment rate did not go up more drastically in the midst of a strict lockdown, various travel restrictions, and quarantine measures.

ISET Policy Institute's team presents RIA results on alpine regions to stakeholders at USAID workshop
11 September 2020

On September 11, ISET Policy Institute's Agriculture and Rural Policy Research Center (APRC) presented the main results of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the High Mountainous Region Designation of Energy Development and Access to the project's stakeholders.

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on the draft law on agritourism
10 August 2020

The APRC is conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the Draft Law on Agritourism. Based on the findings, the RIA team will provide recommendations on policy options for implementing the proposed regulation in an inclusive and sustainable way.

ISET-PI research team presents research study results to stakeholders
21 July 2020

On July 21, ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) held an online presentation 'Development of Indirect Impact Assessment Methodology and Multipliers'.
